How to Maintain Your Fitness Routine During COVID-19

November 19, 2020

Whether you go to the gym, play team sports, or attend fitness classes, the coronavirus has likely disrupted your fitness routine. However, you don’t have to put your progress on hold! The quarantine is a great opportunity to explore home workouts, get creative with backyard fitness, and challenge your body in new ways. Keeping your body fit and healthy will also strengthen your immune system, which is of utmost importance right now. Keep scrolling to find out the best practices for staying active while social distancing.

Flexibility and Balance Exercises

Low-impact workouts like yoga and Pilates are great for improving flexibility, easing joint pain, and supporting mental health.


- Yoga can be a boon to your strength and flexibility.

- Another benefit is you can practice from the comfort of your own home.

- Add some Pilates exercises to strengthen your core all the more.

- Here are some additional exercises for your balance and posture. 

- If you’re struggling to stay relaxed and focus, lift the atmosphere in your space.


Strength Training at Home

Did you know lifting weights isn’t the only way to build muscle? Get your muscles to move in new ways with creative at-home workouts.


- You might be surprised to learn there are several types of pushups you can add to your workout.

- To drop unwanted pounds, try circuit training.

- If you’re struggling with motivation, consider an electronic workout partner in the form of a fitness tracker.

- If you lack formal equipment, several household items can become part of your workout routine.

Backyard Exercises

If you’re blessed with a backyard, take your home workout outside for more space and fresh air.

- Certain exercises are particularly well-suited for the outdoors.

- Tennis players can advance their skills, even without a court.

- You can even workout alongside your kids.


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Exercising in the Community

Going on a walk or run is a great way to stretch your legs after being cooped up inside—as long as you stay six feet away from others.


- Time outside can be safe with the proper precautions. 

- Your protective gear should include a mask.

- You can also run or walk outdoors.

- Cycling is similarly doable.

If the pandemic is getting in the way of your fitness goals, come up with a new exercise routine. Try forms of exercise that don’t take a lot of space, like yoga and Pilates. Purchase some equipment and set up your own gym at home. Get outside for some fresh air and cardio exercise while practicing social distancing. And remember, this is only temporary!

Remember to visit MyLifeBoost for more information, inspiration and ideas!

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